Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day Three

Day 3 Word Count: 2,487
NaNoWriMo Total: 7,386

"Tomorrow" has held up very well for me... at least yesterday's tomorrow, anyway. In three days, I've never seen less than 2,100 words, and two of those days, I've almost encountered 2,500!

The average so far is 2,462 words/day. I want to see if I can raise that average. If I manage to get to over 2,500 by November 15th, then I will adjust my goal for the rest of the month by raising it to 3,000 words a day. At the rate I am writing at this moment, at the end of the month my manuscript will be 73,860 words... not too far short of a length publishers actually like. If the story is anything publishable is another story entirely, though.

Onward to Day Four!